2:1 Designation Updates

TRO is transitioning from 2 designations (R/TRO and R/TRO DIP) to one designation (R/TRO). This change was effective as of April, 2023 and there is a 2-year transition period.

For any questions related to the designation, please email Amy Bennett-Thompson, Interim R/TRO Administrative Support, at trodesignation@trontario.org.

Application Guide

Need help with how to fill out the new application form? Check out the video below to and receive a step-by-step tutorial on from TRO’s Practice Review Committee Chair, Vicki Di Giovanni.

Changing to one designation: What does it mean for you?

Hear from TRO President, Katherine Lee, R/TRO, and Sue Verrilli, R/TRO on what the change from 2 designation to 1 designation will mean for you.


Click here to download our 2:1 Designation Infographic.


How does blending educational requirements distinguish between a degree vs. diploma, and why would someone pursue a degree when they could pursue a diploma?

The designation was originally developed in anticipation of regulation where we would be required to prove our education pathways in Ontario. We did this by showcasing a designation for degree-prepared therapists and diploma-prepared therapists. Without a movement towards regulation, we no longer need to showcase the education pathways. The two types of designations were also confusing to employers, partners, and others. When our designation was reviewed, it was recommended that we look towards having one designation vs two designations. It was determined and passed by the Board of Directors to move to one designation. Why someone would pursue a degree over a diploma is certainly a personal preference and TRO does not comment on the benefits of either. By having a curriculum review process, we are able to determine that the curriculums follow our essential competency framework.

With many professions transitioning to Masters level requirements and degree as entry to practice, how would TRO’s board address this in light of the R/TRO designation.

Every profession is different in terms of how education is managed and changed over the years. Regulated professions tend to consolidate their education requirements to be consistent across the board and be prepared for regulation. Many professions began as an undergraduate degree many years ago and have slowly moved toward a Masters being required. In Ontario, we have not been called by the Ministry to put forth our application for regulation and it appears that this is not something we can expect. The Ministry is changing regulation in Ontario and we will continue to follow how this will be moved forward. As we are not moving towards regulation at this time in Ontario, there is no requirement to amalgamate our education so to speak. As many of our Recreation Therapists are college-educated, TRO has no plans of pushing education to university only. We would lose probably 75% of our membership and even be in less of a position to elevate our profession. With the R/TRO designation, we have provided an opportunity for Recreation Therapists in Ontario to elevate their professional status to a higher level.

When are the intake periods and will they change each year?

The intake periods remain the same as always (January, April, July, October).

I’m applying for my R/TRO for the first time, how can I begin preparing now?

The first step would be to make sure you hold a Professional membership with TRO. Next, you will want to gather all your supportive documents. Please download the application to find out all the requirements listed for Curriculum and Non-curriculum reviewed applications.

Does CTRA know that TRO has transitioned to one designation?

CTRA continues to host a quarterly meeting for all Presidents of provincial TR organizations around the country. Regular updates are provided, including our designation and the changes over time.

If we have our CTRS, are we eligible for the TRO designation as long as we have 5 PCC points?

Yes, that is correct.

What’s our plan for out-of-province schools such as Lethbridge becoming a curriculum-reviewed school with TRO?

We encourage all partnering TR curriculum schools to align and submit their curriculum to TRO for approval under our Essential Competency Framework. We encourage membership to reach out to Program coordinators to help make the connection to TRO across Canada.

For curriculum-reviewed schools, Mohawk is listed, but is the R/TRO for those from the Recreation and Leisure program or those from the Recreation Therapy program?

Mohawk became a Curriculum approved school in August 2016, which means any cohort beginning their studies from September 2015 to present are eligible for the 2-1 Designation transition and changes. Please reach out to Mohawk to inquire more with regards to the R&L vs. RT program.

Is Brock considered a curriculum-reviewed school? If not, why not? If I’m from Brock, do I need 25 PCCs?

Brock has not submitted their curriculum for our voluntary Essential Competency Framework review. All non-curriculum reviewed school graduates still require 25 PCCs.

Am I eligible for my R/TRO if I have a certificate from Georgian and ~20 years of work experience?

Yes, you are able to apply for your designation – either using the curriculum reviewed application or the non-curriculum reviewed application. The TRO website provides a list of all Curriculum approved schools and the date this took effect. Depending on your year of graduation, this will determine if your school was curriculum reviewed at the time or not. Work experience will be valuable if you graduated from a current curriculum reviewed school prior to their ECF submission. Please reach out to info@trontario.org to discuss specifics.

’m a graduate from Seneca – April 2022 – would I qualify for the no-cost application process?

The transition discount begins April 2023 and for those graduating after that time.

Will TRO be providing a PCC list for people from curriculum-reviewed schools?

All PCC opportunities are listed within the application document. We also encourage you to reach out to your school for a more detailed document outlining additional ways students can acquire PCCS if your educational institution has not built in the 5 PCCS.

For curriculum-reviewed schools, how many placement hours are required?

We encourage you to reach out to the specific curriculum-reviewed schools to inquire about the mandatory practical experience hours provided through internships and placements. The hours indicated are the minimum number required.

When applying for your R/TRO, how long are the 5 PCCs valid for?

The continued practice remains that PCCs are only eligible to submit within the last 5 years.

If you have already graduated, do you still need 5 or 25 PCCs?

The Designation Transition and 2- 1 changes will take effect April 2023. Only applicants graduating after that time frame are eligible to submit 5 PCCs. Otherwise, you need to submit 25 PCCs

What’s considered acceptable for CTRS’ 5 PCCs?

All PCC categories are outlined in the Designation package.

If schools were to embed 5 PCCs into their programs, what would that look like?

We encourage you to reach out to your educational institution to inquire, as each school is unique to how they build the PCCs into the curriculum.

Do I need 25 PCCs if I’m from Brock?

Yes, you do need to submit for 25 PCCs in your Designation application following the Non-curriculum reviewed school application forms.

What kind of supporting documentation would an employer provide?

All supportive documentation is required to be on company letterhead with up to date contact information i.e. terms of service, letter of employment, participation in TR awareness month activities, supervision of TR students, volunteers, etc.

If you’re applying to maintain your R/TRO, is it still 25 points?

At this time it is, but this process is under review and we will communicate any changes in a timely manner taking into account members’ maintenance cycles.

For the R/TRO renewal for those with their CTRS, what is the process?

All maintenance for the designation is 5 years from your initial R/TRO designation status. This is the same for all TRO members holding their R/TRO Designation.

I currently have my R/TRO DIP, what are the requirements for maintenance?

All maintenance for the designation is 5 years from your initial R/TRO designation status. This is the same for all TRO members holding their R/TRO Designation. All of our R/TRO DIP members are now transitioning automatically to R/TRO. You should receive confirmation of this from TRO.

Established in 1999, Therapeutic Recreation Ontario (TRO) is the only professional association that represents Therapeutic Recreation practitioners in the province.

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